
    1. Stern first
      • Wind direction and strength, will it help or hinder
      • Rig an aft spring line and a fender near the bow
      • Assign crew to handle lines
      • Cast off slack lines only
      • Double back aft spring line and stern line
      • Shorten spring line as the boat backs out
      • Get everyone on board before starting to leave the dock, no last second embarking on a moving vessel.
      • Prop walk, will it help or hinder your departure?
      • Cock stern out by going forward on the spring line
      • Put in reverse and throttle up long enough to get the boat moving. If there are strong cross winds off the docks, go a little faster and maintain the spring line as long as possible not to lose the bow.
      • Fast idle speed, neutral, use momentum to back out slowly
      • Prefer backing out towards the open water, especially if the winds would push you to a lee shore
      • Get clear of the docks by at least one boat length before turning. This is especially important in gusty condition when the wind is behind you.

    1. Bow first
      • Wind direction and strength, will it help or hinder
      • Assign crew to handle lines
      • Rig a forward spring line and a fender near the stern corner
      • Cast off slack lines only
      • Double back spring line and bow line
      • Try to get everyone on board
      • Prop walk, will it help or hinder
      • Cock bow out by going reverse on the spring line      
      • Put in forward and throttle up to get the boat moving
      • Fast idle speed to move out in a controlled fashion
      • Watch the stern corner when turning. Do not turn too sharply until clear.