Dropping Anchor

  • Select a suitable area
    • Shallow
    • Sheltered from wind, waves
    • Not crowded or in traffic channels or blocking entrances
    • Enough swing room in all directions
    • When do you need two anchors: Close to shore with rocky bottom, heavy weather
    • If the bottom is rocky, consider attaching a trip line
    • If there is a boat anchored already there, you must follow their method: If they have two anchors, then you must use two anchors so you don't swing into their boat etc...


  • Assign crew to handle the anchor at the bow and another to relay messages, hand signals      
  • Calculate the rode you will put out, amount of chain, conditions, 4:1 to 7:1
  • Never anchor from the stern alone, this could cause the boat to swamp or capsize.
  • Rig the anchor and rode and make sure it is secured to the boat
  • If you have a lot of chain, use a snubber to reduce chafe, noise and wear.
  • Make sure the rode is not kinked or tangled
  • Inspect the anchor to make sure it is not damaged and the swivel shackle is in good shape.
  • Stop the boat into the wind and lower your anchor until it lies on the bottom. 
  • This should be done up-wind or up-current from the spot you have selected. 
  • If necessary, start to slowly motor back, letting out the anchor rode. 
  • Take it out of reverse once the boat starts moving backwards.
  • Keep a hand on the anchor line. A dragging anchor will telegraph itself as it bumps along the bottom. An anchor that is set will not shake the line.
  • When all the anchor line has been let out, back down on the anchor with engine in reverse to help set the anchor. (Be careful not to get the anchor line caught in your prop, and consider prop walk and how it will swing the stern
  • Ask a crew to point to where the anchor line is so the helmsman knows where the line is in relation to the boat
  • When the anchor is firmly set, look around for reference points in relation to the boat. You can sight over your compass to get the bearing of two different fixed points (building, tower, etc. )
  • Begin anchor watch. Everyone should check occasionally to make sure you’re not drifting.
  • Turn on the anchor light (360-degree white) and turn off the navigation lights if after dusk. Day-shape (ball) during the day. Make sure the battery is set to the house battery (bank #1 on BSC boats).