Skill Builder Track

The curriculum for the SBT is the same as the CSC track. However, sailors in the SBT are not tested to the higher standard that the CSCs are.  SBT candidates will practice with a mentor until they are determined to have developed enough boat handling skills.

Experience Requirements

Candidates who wish to participate in the SBT must meet the following requirements:

  • 2 years of sailing experience
  • At least 1 year as BSC cruising crew (can be the same year if going thru the SBT program)
  • Safe boater license from MD or another state 
  • Must pay the additional BSC cruising crew fees
  • Submit sailing resume summarizing certifications and experience on boats. Email it to
  • Must have a working VHF hand-held radio and monitor channel 16


  • After the skills evaluation, SBT participants may be able to take out our smaller cruiser during daylight hours with a study group or with their own crew. They are expected to be able to demonstrate skills at 6-7 out of 10 in the boat operations section.
  • You must be oriented on the boat you wish to reserve. You will be given access to the BRS to reserve a boat.
  • The person reserving the boat is the skipper of record and he/she is responsible for any damages per the BSC statement of responsibility and liability for the cruising boats.
  • SBT participants may not sail beyond the Key bridge.
  • PFDs must be worn during the practice session.
  • The average wind conditions in the Baltimore harbor must not be higher than 15 knots (and gusts are less than 20 knots), 
  • You can check the wind conditions at